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Teaching Science at Home – Everything You Need to Know

26/01/2023 / Science Tuition

Teaching science at home can be a fun and rewarding way to help your child learn and explore the world around them and is a great way to enhance the education they are receiving at school. Science is a subject that is full of fascinating concepts and experiments, and there are many ways you can support your child’s learning at home.

We’ve shared some of the best ways to explore science at home and provided advice on what to do if your child is struggling to keep up with the science curriculum.

Am I Best Placed to Teach My Child Science?

Many parents worry about teaching their children at home but it possible for you to teach your child science at home, as long as you consider your own level of knowledge and comfort with the subject matter first.

For example, If you have a strong background in science, and are comfortable with the concepts and materials you will be teaching, then you may be well-suited to teach your child at home. You can use your own knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject to engage and inspire your child.

However, if you do not feel comfortable with the subject or don’t fee that you have adequate knowledge, it may be more beneficial for your child to learn science from a tutor instead. Many parents find that there are some specific aspects of science that they are comfortable with, making it possible to offer targeted support in certain areas.

It is important to note that teaching is not just about providing information, but also facilitating and guiding students’ learning, as well as motivating and inspiring them to want to develop their own scientific knowledge.

Should I Teach Science as a Broad Subject or Break it Down?

Deciding how to approach science as a subject can be complex, especially if you have more than one child at different educational stages. When you first start, it’s a good idea to give your child a broad introduction to the different branches of science and then let them explore further the ones that interest them most.

As your child grows older and their knowledge base expands, you can include more complex and advanced topics. It’s at this point in their education where it can be beneficial to break down the study of science into different subjects, such as biology, chemistry, and physics. Each of these subjects has its own specific concepts, principles, and methodologies, which can be easier for students to understand and learn when studied separately.

Additionally, by breaking down science into different subjects, you can tailor your child’s education to their specific interests and strengths. For example, if your child is particularly interested in the natural world, you may choose to focus more on biology, whereas if they are interested in how things work, you may focus more on physics.

However, it’s also important to keep in mind that science is an interdisciplinary subject, and many concepts overlap across different subjects. It’s important to provide a holistic understanding of the subject.

Take a look at the overview of each educational branch of science to get to grips with what needs to be covered:

  • Biology – this covers the study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment. Including a wide range of topics, such as genetics, evolution, ecology, and physiology.
  • Chemistry – this covers the study of the composition, properties, and behaviour of matter. It includes the study of elements and compounds and how they interact with each other, as well as the study of chemical reactions and processes.
  • Physics – this covers the study of the fundamental principles that govern the natural world. It includes the study of matter and energy, motion and forces, and the properties of space and time.

The Best Ways to Teach Science At Home

When you decide to teach science concepts at home, it is important that you take the time to carefully plan sessions that will inspire and support your child. Some of the key considerations that you need to follow include the following:

  • Starting With Your Child’s Interests – ask your child what they are interested in and look for ways to incorporate those interests into science lessons. For example, if your child loves animals, you could explore topics like animal behaviour or ecosystems, or if they love space, then you could help them discover topics such as the solar system, gravity and more.
  • Make it Hands-On – science is a subject that is best learned through hands-on experiences and experimentation. Look for opportunities to do science experiments at home, or visit local science museums or nature settings to get hands-on experiences and ignite your child’s imagination as they learn.
  • Use Modern Teaching Resources – there are many resources available to help you teach science at home, including online tutorials, science kits, and science books. Take advantage of these resources to supplement your child’s learning and provide them with additional support and guidance.
  • Encourage Questions – science is all about asking questions and seeking answers. Encourage your child to ask questions and explore their curiosity about the world around them. This will help them develop critical thinking skills and a love of learning.
  • Make it Fun –  it’s important to keep science fun and enjoyable for your child. Look for ways to make learning science fun, such as doing experiments outside or turning science lessons into games or challenges, as this will engage your child and create a healthy relationship with learning.

Teaching science at home can be a great way to support your child’s learning and help them develop a love of science. By starting with their interests, making it hands-on, using resources, encouraging questioning, and keeping it fun, you can create a rich and engaging learning experience that will help your child thrive.

What Resources Will I Need to Teach Science at Home?

Once you’ve decided to complete some science work with your child at home, you will need to know where to find the best resources so that you help, rather than hinder, their progress. There are many resources that can be helpful when teaching science at home, including:

  • Science Textbooks – these can provide a wealth of information on a wide range of science topics. Look for textbooks that are appropriate for your child’s age and ability level.
  • Online Resources – there are many online resources available for teaching science at home, including educational videos, interactive simulations, and online science lessons.
  • Science Kits – these are a great way to provide hands-on learning experiences for your child. There are kits available for a wide range of science topics, including biology, chemistry, and physics.
  • Science Experiments – they can be a fun and engaging way to learn about science concepts. You can find science experiments online or create your own using household materials.
  • Science Books – both fact and fiction science books can be a great resource for introducing your child to different science topics. Look for books that are age-appropriate and written in a way that is easy for your child to understand.
  • Science Museums – visiting a science museum can provide a wealth of learning opportunities for your child. Many of these facilities offer educational programs and exhibits that can help your child learn about science concepts in a fun and interactive way.

What Safety Equipment Will I Need to Teach Science At Home?

The specific safety equipment you will need to teach science at home will depend on the types of experiments and activities you plan to do with your students. However, some basic safety equipment that is commonly used in science education includes:

  • Safety Goggles – to protect the eyes from flying debris and chemicals.
  • Gloves – to protect the hands from chemicals and other hazardous materials.
  • Aprons – to protect clothes from spills and splashes.
  • Fire Extinguisher/Fire Blanket – to have in case of an emergency.
  • First Aid Kit – to have basic first aid supplies, such as plasters, on hand in case of accidents.
  • Ventilation Equipment – to ensure that the area is well ventilated when working with chemicals or other materials that can produce harmful fumes.
  • Safety Labels – to help identify potential hazards and warning signs, such as ‘flammable’ or ‘toxic’.

It’s important to make sure you understand the risks and safety precautions associated with each experiment before conducting it, and to follow all instructions carefully. It’s also a good idea to have a clear set of safety rules and procedures in place for your children to follow and to make sure that they know how to properly use each piece of safety equipment before thinking starting any experiments.

Famous Scientists Who Can Inspire Your Child

Sometimes, motivating your child to want to complete their science work can be a chore, especially when they do not see the point in doing the work you have arranged. Rather than ending up in an argument over the importance of science, why not inspire your child with the story of some famous scientists who have helped to shape and change the world? We’ve listed some amazing scientists that are sure to wow your child:

  • Marie Curie – The first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win the award in two different sciences (physics and chemistry).
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson – An astrophysicist and science communicator who has made complex scientific concepts accessible to the general public.
  • Ada Lovelace – A mathematician and writer who is considered the world’s first computer programmer.
  • Rosalind Franklin – A chemist and X-ray crystallographer whose work was instrumental in the discovery of the structure of DNA.
  • Stephen Hawking – A theoretical physicist and cosmologist who made groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of black holes and the origins of the universe.
  • Jane Goodall – A primatologist who has spent her career studying chimpanzees, and is an advocate for animal rights and conservation.
  • Carl Sagan – An astronomer and science communicator who popularised science through his books and television series “Cosmos.”
  • Sir Isaac Newton – A physicist, mathematician, and astronomer who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time.
  • Charles Darwin – A naturalist and biologist who developed the theory of evolution through natural selection.
  • Sir Alexander Fleming – A pharmacologist and microbiologist who discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic.
  • Sir Francis Crick – A molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist who is known for his role in discovering the structure of DNA.

Knowing When You Need Professional Support

Sometimes you will find that no matter what you try to do as a parent, your child may struggle with science or not be willing to work with you to improve their own academic performance. In these cases, using an online science tutor may be the best way forward.

Deciding whether your child needs a professional science tutor can be a difficult decision. On the one hand, you want to ensure that your child has the support and guidance they need to succeed in their studies. On the other hand, you don’t want to overwhelm your child with too much additional support or pressure.

Some of the key indicators that your child may benefit from a professional science tutor include:

  • Struggling to keep up in school
  • Struggling to finish homework and other independent study assignments
  • Struggling to understand specific scientific concepts or topics
  • Struggling to maintain appropriate focus when studying
  • Struggling to remain motivated when studying a concept or topic that doesn’t interest them

If any of these sound familiar, then now could be the time to find a tutor to help your child. When looking for a tutor, take the time to find someone who is a qualified teacher, as this will ensure that your child is supported in line with the curriculum requirements. It’s also a good idea to use a tuition service as they will have a number of tutors for you to choose from – making it easier to find the right person for your child.

Choose Principal Tutors for Your Child

At Principal Tutors, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality tuition delivered by qualified teachers who make sessions fun, inspiring and educationally rich. We also offer a clear payment system in which you only ever pay for the tuition you need and have no tie-ins that cost you more than you can afford.

Reach out to our team to find out more about our service or arrange an initial session for your child to see how easy it is to access quality online tuition – we can’t wait to help!


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